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What is circumcision?


Circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the skin covering the end (technically called the glans, often referred to as the head or helmet) of the penis, called the foreskin.


Is it recommended?


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) writes and posts regularly on the topic of circumcision. Some direct links for your convenience:

Where the AAP stands on circumcision.​

Should we have our son circumcised? (The Mayo Clinic)

Position of the Center for Disease Control (CDC).



Is Circumcision Good or Bad?  Medically reviewed last in January 2022



Circumcision — A Surgical Strategy for HIV Prevention in Africa Ingrid T. Katz, M.D., M.H.S., and Alexi A. Wright, M.D.



Circumcision Lowers Chances for AIDS



Does His Circumcision Lower Her Risk for Cervical Cancer?  For more on this topic, click here


ACOG - an excellent regularly-updated clearinghouse of reliable info & this FAQ's section



CNN 2012 coverage of new findings



Circumcision Lowers Risk of Prostate Cancer



NY Times: Benefits of Circumcision Said to Outweigh Risks


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