Rabbi Hazzan Howard K. Glantz
With well over 30 years of service as a certified Moyel (medically trained practitioner of ritual circumcision for infant boys sometimes spelled Mohel or Moil), Rabbi Glantz is frequently referred to new parents by obstetricians, pediatricians, rabbis, midwives and birthing centers to conduct bris ceremonies.
From educating parents on preparations for the ceremony to the infant’s post-circumcision care, Rabbi Glantz is dedicated to ensuring parents a minimum of stress and a maximum of simcha (joy) from the whole experience. Regarding his reasons for becoming a moyel Rabbi Glantz said, “My goal has always been to serve my community in as broad a way as possible. Following my cantorial education, I decided to train as a moyel in the hope that I can pass the inheritance of Jewish tradition and ritual from one generation to the next.”
See pics from the early years
Having matriculated as a Conservative Hazzan, Glantz enrolled and received certification in 1990 as a moyel through the Brit Kodesh program at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York.
He received extensive training at the Jacobi Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Howard was fortunate to study under primary instructor, Dr. Jacob Shragowitz, of blessed memory) a highly respected physician and Moyel in his own right, whose family lineage has included a number of rabbis and mohalim.
Rabbi Glantz is in regular contact with several physicians. This keeps him up to date on the latest products and information regarding pain management, procedural equipment, wound care and penile conditions.
Rabbi Howard K. Glantz and his wife Dayna reside in Montgomery County, PA. They have been blessed with four children, all adults now; two sons and two daughters. See the family pictures below from over the more recent years. Some were taken in Israel when their sons were performing their military service in the IDF and some from their daughters' recent graduation events and one from April 2023, when Howard obtained 'semikha' the Hebrew term for rabbinic ordination at the Academy for Jewish Religion, an accredited pluralistic seminary in Westchester County, NY.